Tuesday, September 7, 2010

500 Days of wardrobe envy!

Todd and I aren't very good at watching movies when they come out. It seems like good movies come in waves, so when good ones come out we don't have enough time to see all of them. Anyway, we juuuust got around to watching 500 Days of Summer. Holy cow! Such and amazing movie! I know a lot of people didn't like it because of how it ends up, but it's such a true story! Things don't always work out the way we imagine they will, but they always work out for the best. I thought that was a super powerful message.
I have been becoming more and more interested in clothing design lately and I was drooooooling over Zooey Deschanel's wardrobe in this movie!

I love how all the clothes are feminine, but still really modest and comfy (I'm guessing). After all my holiday craft making is over I am seriously going to start working on recreating her entire wardrobe for myself!

Especially this dress:

Isn't it soooo pretty? I will keep you posted about my attempts to own every clothing article from this movie! =)

1 comment:

Paul said...

I too love this movie. Good luck with your venture Jessica, that's a pretty awesome idea!