Monday, September 13, 2010

Snapshots of Alaska

I have traveled to so many different places in my life and for some reason, out of everywhere I have been, I really feel a connection to Alaska. I don't know how to describe why this particular place sticks out to me more than others I have been to. So I'll just trust in the old saying "a picture is worth a thousand words."


Elaina said...

Wow! That is beautiful! THe colors are so vibrant! Fun trip! (I don't know, do you think I used enough exclamation points?)

Gdub said...

Looks beautiful!

LauraD said...

Amazing. You have a great eye, those are beautiful shots!

Jessica Lynn Perkins said...

Thanks! I actually stole the pictures from my dad who went with us. He's totally a natural photographer! No training or anything! @Elaina: The exclamation quota is four, you barely made it! @ Gdub and Laura: You guys didn't make the exclamation cut, sorry.

radmegan said...

Wow so beautiful! Alaska is now on my list of places to visit :)

Jessica Lynn Perkins said...

It should be! It is so fun. Besides being gorgeous it has a unique culture because everyone is so away from everything else. It seems to make the people more quirky and interesting.

s'mee said...

Love the shot on the rails! I'm a sucker for reflections. Also, is that Portage Glacier?