Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Our pwecious sick baby

So, our cat Ash has been a costly pet. Last year I gave him a bath, apparently you are NEVER supposed to give a cat a bath. My sister gives her cats baths all the time but they are older and more decrepit, and probably not capable of the muscle power it would take to bite her. Welp, I wasn't so lucky with Ash, he was a vivacious little kitten and his bite sent me to the ER with a huge hospital bill (side note: if you ever get bit by a cat, you may think your arm is going to blow up from the amount that it swells, but I promise you aren't going to die, just go to Urgent Care)

Anyway, that's not the point. On Friday we were preparing to have a fun filled date night when we noticed that Ash was making some nasty hacking noises and breathing like he had a gallon of crust in his lungs. It was 8pm and all the vets were closed, so we brought him to the nearest kitty ER (yeah, you would never know there was such a thing unless you had to use it huh?). So after turning Ash over to the doctor and waiting for an hour they come out to report that our cat has ASTHMA, what? Cats get asthma? Yessirry. And it was not cheap either! Between kitty x-rays, IVs and steroids we gave up about half of our plasma tv fund. Dang it!

You would think after the pain in the rear he has been with the bite and the asthma that we would be ready to dump him off in the desert somewhere. But it's the opposite! He is more lovable than ever. Especially because they had to shave his arm to put an IV in and now he looks SO ridiculous! It just makes him that much more lovable!


Gdub said...

I'd have no problem ditchin' it out in the desert!

Mac and Ange said...

Yeah, I totally would have dumped him off in the desert, or asked the vet if they could turn him into a dog somehow.

Jessica Lynn Perkins said...

Ha ha! Shut up! You guys love Ash! You even bought him a Christmas present, you can't deny it!!!

The Perkins Family said...

I totally feel your pain. I had to take Gallagher to the vet today. His skin is irritated from his recent stay at a boarding house (while we were in Cali). I had to fork out almost $200 for doggy antibiotics. Seriously? Dogs need antibiotics? Dogs eat other dog's feces. They drink out of gutters. They eat EVERYTHING. And he needs to be medicated for "ouchy skin?" Boo.