Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Catching up...

I feel a little icky today, so I thought that would be the perfect excuse to lay around and blog about stuff I haven't had time to blog about yet. =)

First order of business: Halloween. We had such a fun Halloween. Our neighborhood is so awesome on Halloween. It's one of the safest neighborhoods in Apple Valley, so we get tons of Trick-or-Treaters. Its such a zoo, every street looks like main street at Disneyland-super crowded- I LOVE it! This Halloween Todd and I decided to wait to buy costume stuff until it was 50% off. It's a little more challenging that way because there's not much left, but we scrounged up enough stuff to look pretty punk rock...I think.

Todd's costume was awesome-I think he could pull that look off on a daily basis. I love his tattoos!

2nd: Everyone has been bugging me to put up a picture of me pregnant. So I got my sister to take some pictures of me this weekend. She did such a good job!

Also, those trees are in our FRONT YARD. If you live in Apple Valley you know how rare it is to witness the leaves change, because there are no trees. We LOVE our trees!!!

The baby is coming exactly 6 weeks from today. Whew, can't believe it! Pregnancy has been very good to me so far. I have felt so good (after the morning sickness phase) and it's so much fun to have a little baby kicking around inside all day long. I highly recommend most people(ie: married, etc.)=)

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

6 Quirks

I got tagged by my fabulous sister-in-law Heather. I have to list six quirks that I have. It's funny to me how most people's quirks are more on the obsessive compulsive or anal side. Like, having a quirk where you have to vacuum the floors twice a day-that's a good thing in my book! My quirks are totally the opposite, they are lazy, irresponsible things that I do that are super annoying...poor Todd.

1. Losing stuff- I have a knack for losing stuff, but especially my keys. I'm not talking, like once a month or even once a week, I lose my keys on an average of three times a week, I'd say. I don't know how I do it, and why keys? I don't lose anything else that often. When I still lived at home and I would lose my keys my dad would ask me "where is the last place you had them?" That is THE most annoying question, if I knew the last place I had them, then I would know right where they are wouldn't I??? Todd likes to ask me that every time I lose them now just because he knows how much I hate it!

2. I love being in bed. I thought that everybody did. I mean, the bed is obviously the most comfortable place in the house! I try to do absolutely everything I can from in bed. I read my scriptures from bed, do ALL computer related stuff from bed including photoshopping all my photography. When I was in school I would write all my papers on my laptop from bed. I tried to exercise from bed a couple times, but it doesn't work out great. And OF COURSE I love to watch tv and movies from bed. Todd hates it- I seriously do not understand it. If you could chose between a couch and a bed, why would you choose a couch? The bed is a bajillion times more comfortable!

3. I dread grocery shopping. I have to mentally prepare myself for days before I go grocery shopping. I refuse to go shopping if I haven't prepared. I make a list of everything we need and then I highlight things with different colors depending on what section they are in (produce, dairy, etc.). And even after all that, I put it off until I know that we do not have anything in the fridge that could possibly be construed to form a meal of any kind.

4. I don't like chapstick. If you have taken a gander at my lips you know that I have a pretty spacious surface to cover when applying chapstick. And the fact that my lips are humongous makes it even more important to use chapstick because no one wants to see my huge lips cracked and flaky. But I hate using it. I think I am just too lazy, and I don't like getting the nasty taste of chapstick in my mouth, especially if they have sunscreen in them or some kind of medicine-bleck. So, I just wait until my lips hurt from being so dry, put on chapstick, and then wait until they hurt again. I know thats gross, and I'm totally working on it. Promise.

5. I'm shy. I don't think shyness is a quirk, but I think I'm shy in a weird way. I am super duper shy around almost everyone- even people that I have known for years and some family. But for some reason the right combination of people can get me to open up and once that can is open you would never believe for a second that 'shy' is a word that could be used to describe me. I say really inappropriate stuff, not inappropriate in a bad way, but I say what everyone else is thinking but most people wont say. And I make fun of people a LOT. It usually happens at family dinners, so the only people that get to enjoy it are my family, and occasionally the missionaries if they happen to be present. But luckily for Todd, I'm like that all the time around him, and since Todd is a pretty big fan of saying offensive stuff and making fun of people we have a good time together!

6. I like to read Todd's emails. I think it's because I'll get like one email a day that is actually significant and all the rest are junk mail for enlarging your pinky toe or whatever. So, on days when I feel especially insignificant as far as email goes, I like to read all of Todd's emails. It's funny because they are all really boring work emails, and I don't understand a lot of what they are talking about. But, I like to see what it's like to be popular and contribute to society and stuff, vicariously, through Todd.

I tag...Kerri, Elaina Andreasen, and Courtney Andersen.