Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Catching up...

I feel a little icky today, so I thought that would be the perfect excuse to lay around and blog about stuff I haven't had time to blog about yet. =)

First order of business: Halloween. We had such a fun Halloween. Our neighborhood is so awesome on Halloween. It's one of the safest neighborhoods in Apple Valley, so we get tons of Trick-or-Treaters. Its such a zoo, every street looks like main street at Disneyland-super crowded- I LOVE it! This Halloween Todd and I decided to wait to buy costume stuff until it was 50% off. It's a little more challenging that way because there's not much left, but we scrounged up enough stuff to look pretty punk rock...I think.

Todd's costume was awesome-I think he could pull that look off on a daily basis. I love his tattoos!

2nd: Everyone has been bugging me to put up a picture of me pregnant. So I got my sister to take some pictures of me this weekend. She did such a good job!

Also, those trees are in our FRONT YARD. If you live in Apple Valley you know how rare it is to witness the leaves change, because there are no trees. We LOVE our trees!!!

The baby is coming exactly 6 weeks from today. Whew, can't believe it! Pregnancy has been very good to me so far. I have felt so good (after the morning sickness phase) and it's so much fun to have a little baby kicking around inside all day long. I highly recommend most people(ie: married, etc.)=)


Deanna said...

Hi, it's me Deanna! I love your blog so I can see what y'all are up to. Jessica, you are so dang cute! I hope to meet you someday. I'm so happy for you Todd and your growing family. Awesome costumes by the way :)

Elaina said...

You're such a cute pregnant lady! How exciting!

Angela Joy Photography said...

Yay, that's awesome that you've had a great pregnancy! We're excited to see you kids in February! xoxoxoxo