Monday, February 23, 2009


I have been inspired by some of my family members goals, so I decided to make some goals myself. I constantly have goals, and I usually do pretty good at achieving them, but I write them in a word doc. and never look at them, so this time I thought I'd post them so that I feel a little more accountable to get them done. Here they are...

My 90 day goals, Feb 24- May 24


-Write in journal once a week

-'Daily 4' every day (prayer, scriptures, exercise(pilates 3x, Leg kicks 3x), get ready)

-Get activity days planned 4 at a time at least 2 weeks before they happen

-Get rough draft of lesson done 2 weeks before

-100% Visiting Teaching

-Start marking scriptures as I study them


-Get tax info completely organized

-Start a CD


-Hold/play with Luke at least 5 of the 8 hours from 9am to 5pm

-Find 3 new recipes a week on F.N. (add to already collected recipes to make 60 by end of 90 days)

-Make dinner 6/7 days

-Make 1 new dessert a week to practice my baking skills

-Me + Todd do chores 40 min a day to keep house clean


-Get caught up on 365 scrapbook and do new pages every 2 weeks

-Do 3 photoshoots

-Watch 3 photoshop trainings and take notes

-Go to bed at 9:00 5 nights a week

-Normal scrapbook pages, 1 every 2 weeks (6 total by end of 90 days)

-Add post to family history blog once a week (Luke, zebras & baby brother)

-Send birth announcement

-Do a semi intense project for 3 different people over 90 days

-Do nice things for Todd (aside from dessert) once a week

I intend to accomplish all of these, but if I find that I can't pay enough attention to my family while trying to get all this done, then I will start dropping the least important ones, until I can be the wife and mom I need to be. Wish me luck!!!


Mac and Ange said...

Awesome Jess! Good Luck!

The comstocks said...

wow, i wish you luck!