Thursday, December 3, 2009

"Fluff" a.k.a. my resignation letter

Recently I decided to give up photography as a profession. Growing up I always wanted to be a photographer (which is weird because I didn't realize that I had said that the whole time I was growing up until someone who I was taking pictures of pointed it out to me!). I always told people "That way I can have a job AND be a stay at home Mom." I love photography! I love when people tell me that they love my pictures. I know I loved our wedding photographer so much and her pictures made me happy. I loved the idea of making people happy with my small amount of talent!

A few weeks ago I had an experience where I thought I was going to die. That sounds SO dramatic, and is so funny, because it turns out I just had the flu. But I felt worse than I ever had in my entire life and for the first time EVER, I really thought that I wasn't going to make it. Laugh all you want, but hey, I got a lesson out of it, and so it was worth it. I sat in the ER for hours, and all I could think about the whole time is what I could be doing differently in my life. I didn't feel like I was a bad person or making horrible choices, but I realized that I could be spending so much more time with my family. Specifically, my sweet baby boy who is growing up all too fast! As soon as I got better I made the choice to quit photography. I'm sure to a lot of people think I just look like a total flake, but I know it was the right thing to do!

In church last Sunday we had a lesson about 'fluff', yes fluff. The teacher talked about how there just isn't enough time in life to do everything we want to do. If we try we end up pushing out something else that is, most likely, extremely important. She suggested that we get rid of the fluff in our lives to make room for the things that matter most. So this is me, getting rid of the fluff!

This is why I quit photography:


Simonds Family said...

One of my all time favorite talks. Good choice.

The comstocks said...

Im sure I have quite a bit of fluff I need to get rid of to!!