Friday, April 18, 2008

Date Night

Usually we either watch a movie for date night, or rent a video game, or hang out in the same room doing totally different things for 2 hours and call it date night. But since we've already watched the three good movies that have come out in the past 5 years(am I right???) and exhausted ourselves playing video games, we figured we'd do something different for date night tonight, so we wrote a song together!

The song is about how we both hate each other's favorite genre of food. I LOVE Italian food and Todd hates it because he is lactose intolerant, and Todd loves Asian, and it's my least favorite. But alas, we are married, and we manage to make it work, and that's what the song is all about. After we finished the song we celebrated by eating at Olive Garden-YESSSSSSSSS!

Check out the song
! WARNING: May, definitely be EXTREMELY cheesy!


Red said...

Thats gotta be the cutest song ever!

Angela Joy Photography said...

CUTE! You guys are so in love. I'm glad everything worked out despite the vast differences! Jess, what are you saying in your solo part? I couldn't make it out.

Gdub said...

Hahaha awesome. Jessica sounds like a robot! Sweet!

Jessica Lynn Perkins said...

I know! I hate how you can't hear what I'm saying. I said

I hate that nasty-A Asian food, I'd rather be eating my own poo, and when I eat it I get sick to my stomach 'cause it's butt.

I know-it's really classy!=)

The Perkins Family said...

I agree--this is the CUTEST SONG EVER!! You sound great Jess!!!

Ashley said...

Awesome song! I love it! You don't know me...I am Heather's friend in WA and saw that she linked to your blog on hers a while back so I've been checking it out. Very cool.

How fun that you are into photography. Me too. I like how you package your disks. Cute.