Wednesday, April 23, 2008

You know you're a newlywed when...

You see hearts in everything! Check out this chip! Also I swear every morning when I wake up our cat Ash leaves a little heart shape at the bottom of his food bowl where he's eaten down to the bottom and the bowl is showing through with all the food around it. It's happened like 2 days in a row-with Todd as my witness. I think he's trying to tell us something-awwww! Precious.

In other news, I LOVE doing photography. It's sooooo fun and I love putting together little packages for people-I think that's one of my favorite parts, which doesn't say much for my passion for photography, but I promise I love that too. I'm just a nerd for scrapbookish stuff. Sorry if this is boring, but I am easily amused I guess.

1 comment:

Gdub said...

This is by far the gayest blog I've ever read.

But I'm mostly just REALLY jealous. :)