Tuesday, September 2, 2008

New house!

So the past couple weeks we have just been totally pumped to move into our house. It's all we talk about! We can't wait, I think the thing that we are most excited for is the central AC, although, by the time we move we may not need it anymore=(, oh well, next summer!

So we went to pick out furniture last week for our living room. I don't think it helped that I was feeling very pregnant that day, because none of the furniture seemed comfortable enough for me. We sat on EVERY couch in the whole place and I didn't like any of them. Finally we found this chaise lounge chair that was SO comfortable, but it only comes in zebra print. You can pick other material, but the choices were all some bold crazy pattern. We ended up picking a zebra print like this one except instead of black and white the stripes are brown and cream, a little less intense, right?
Then we found this couch
probably one of the least attractive couches in the whole place, but SO comfortable! Once I tried these two out I was TOTALLY sold on them. Poor Todd was not excited about the idea for a long time. He agreed that these were the 2 most comfortable pieces of furniture in the whole store, but, not being pregnant, I'm not sure that comfort took highest priority for him. So, in 4 months once I am not uncomfortably fat and tired anymore, I may be having some MAJOR buyers remorse, but for right now I am way excited for our comfy womfy furniture!=)


Simonds Family said...

So excited for you guys! Tell Todd not to worry about the pattern--baby Perkins will make his/her own on it in no time ;-) Speaking of which, do you guys know if you're having a boy or girl?

The comstocks said...

I think they are both really cute, but i forsure would have gone with the black and white zebra print you need to make a statement. :) By the way we need to hangout soon!