Friday, May 7, 2010

Trip to Seattle!

Last week we went on one of our semi-annual trips to Seattle! Our newest niece was being blessed and we really wanted to meet her and be part of it!

She is such a cutie pie! I can't wait until she is older and less fragile so I can violently smother her with kisses! (lovingly violently-it sounded too creepy)

This was by far (in my opinion) the best trip we've taken to Seattle. At the same time it was sooooo stressful and a lot of work. Note to self: toddler boys can NOT just sit in the car all day and then be expected to behave while you are having fun! I don't know how we managed to have so much fun and be so exhausted at the same time. Sacrifice brings for the blessings of heaven, right?

Luke helped us kick off the week by EXPLODING multiple times all over the place and ruining his and our clothes.

poor todd.
YES that is POOP on his arm!

We had one really relaxing day. It was rainy and we ate some hot pho. Then drove a beautiful drive to go to the zoo and Boehms Chocolate shop. We don't have any pictures from this day, just sweet, delicious memories.

Carseat=naptime. On vacations this is pretty much all he gets, poor kiddo.

We spent the rest of our days catering to Luke's rambunctiousness. We came to realize that he needed to play or else we would go crazy. One day we went to a children's museum in Seattle where everything was kid height, everything was play-with-able, and everything was soft and safe. It was so nice to let Luke run around and explore!

Another day we went to Chuck E Cheese. That was so much fun. We've never gone there before because we just figured Luke wasn't really old enough to 'get' it. But he loved tearing the tickets off after the game spits them out! So we got to play all the fun games while Luke waited patiently for those tickets to come out.

Eventually we had to say goodbye to the tickets for something equally as lovable...A NEW CAR!

Luke loved spending time with his cousins! Now that he is older and less of a blob, they really had fun playing together.

Side note: shortly before taking this picture, Natty got hit in the face with a piece of shrimp! =)
Gotta love teppanyaki!

Luke's cousins caught on fast that he liked cars. So they bought him a few and whenever he would start getting fussy at a restaurant they would bust a new one out and give it to him to calm him down! THANK YOU COUSINS!

So, Luke came home from Seattle with 4 new cars! I think that makes for a great trip in his book! =)

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