Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Snow Day

I love living where I live. When people visit the desert they always wonder why a person would choose to live here. I have lived here since I was a year old, so the quirks have become charming to me. Christmas day is always sunny, and it wouldn't be Christmas to me if the sun was not shining. In the spring the desert floor is covered with green, of course the green comes from the weeds that are sprouting up, waiting to cause allergy misery. But that is spring to me. 

Another thing I love about where I live is that every once in a while we get a SNOW DAY!!! We never get enough snow to get sick of it, but just enough to give us one day full of pure excitement and fun! 

We loved our snow day!!!
Luke pining for the snow through the sliding door. 

Don't know what this face is all about, but I like it!

 Our snow man fell over when we went inside to get him a  hat. RIP =(


Doreen said...

Just had to let you know I love your little blog. I came across you guy via The Comstock blog (that Candace has been too busy with life to update) but I clicked on you and have loved seeing you family and really appreciate your tips. I will be sending off my P&G receipts today and I added those adorable wood blocks to my to do list.

I think I must add you to by blogs to follow if that’s OK.

Jessica Lynn Perkins said...

Of course that's OK Doreen! It must be fun to follow up on young couples whose wedding pictures you took! You are our favorite!

radmegan said...

Hey darling! I just wanted to let you know that I was recently given the "Stylish Blogger" award, and am now giving it to YOU! I love your posts, your photography- and quite frankly, YOU! http://radmegan.blogspot.com/2011/01/stylish-blogger-sunday-its-major-award.html

Hope you are all well!
