Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Kids Crafts: Egg Carton Caterpillar

Lately I have been trying to do things with Luke other than watch TV and play with toys all day. I'm not creative at all, so when I need a craft idea I just google it! Ah, Google, where would we be without you??? Anyway, this cute egg carton caterpillar was one of the first things that came up. 
I loved it because it was beyond easy and I happened to have all the stuff on hand. Here's what you'll need:
Half of an egg carton
Googley Eyes
Straws or Pipe Cleaners
All you do is cut one row off of the egg carton, paint it, glue eyes and antenna on, and draw a happy face on him. We painted ours and then read The Very Hungary Caterpillar while the paint was drying. 
I will keep posting the crafts that Luke and I do together so maybe I can save someone the hassle of having to google 'kids craft ideas' like I did!

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