Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Potty Training Log (pardon the pun) Day 1

          I have been dreading potty training. I mean DREADING it. Even now that I have experienced it for a day, I am not looking forward to waking up tomorrow. But I wanted to put the stats out there of how Luke has been doing today. Here's what our day looked like:

Put undies on Luke

10am peed on the treadmill (Thank you Luke for making it a wipeable surface!!!)
10:30 peed on the treadmill again (Thanks again, seriously)
11:00 peed on the carpet (WHAT??? I thought we had an understanding!)
11:30 said "mommy I have to poop" and peed IN THE POTTY-YAY!!! (doesn't quite understand the difference between pee and poop yet)

For the rest of the day he did not pee in his underwear. He told me 5 more times and went in the potty 5 more times!!!

Oh wait, there's naptime. That's where you mommies come in. He peed during naptime. I don't know how to train him not to because he is asleep!!! Does anyone know how to help him wake up if he has to go during his (3 hour) nap? 

Anyway, I will let you know how tomorrow goes. Sorry, I know there are A LOT of people who don't give a crap (ha ha) about my child's bodily functions. But once this is over it will be my greatest achievement of the year. So I have to brag/vent!

Oh, also I am using this system called 3 day potty training. I am loving it so far! I'll let you know after the 3 days is over how I feel about it. But as of right now I would recommend it.


LauraD said...

I think I will have to come to you for advise in a few weeks... or months. Whenever I get over the fear of starting the potty training. Good luck, though!!!

The comstocks said...

Doesnt the book say to wake them up before they wake themselves up and take them straight to the potty?

Jessica Lynn Perkins said...

I woke him up and he was soaked. He must have peed at least twice while he was sleeping because he was reeeealllly wet. I don't know if he even thinks about it, it seems like he's just peeing in his sleep.

Jordan McInroe said...

"Log" Tee-Hee!!