Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Fall Festivities!!!

This past weekend was SO MUCH FUN!!! Todd's dad and his wife came to visit, and although we only had one full day to spend with them, we crammed as much fun into that one day as we possibly could! We visited the pumpkin patch, which I look forward to all year long!

I love how this guy's beak is so appropriately, festively colored!

I LOVE the corn maze. I love the feeling of being completely lost! Unfortunately, I discovered this year that Todd has a method that he uses to find his way out, so it ruined the whole hopelessly lost illusion. But I made him promise next year that he wouldn't use his method or memorize where we'd been. I guess not getting lost isn't that bad, we ran into a lady with her kids who had been lost inside for an hour and a half! How do you do that???
I think Todd may be a little bit jealous of me, so we found him a precious baby of his own.
After we found pumpkins that we felt we could love and care for, we started the carving process. It was easier for some than it was for others. Todd's dad picked a really complex design, plus he had to shrink it down to fit it on his pumpkin, and it was impossible to do. Luckily Bibi salvaged his pumpkin and turned it into that adorable pumpkin with a bow tie that you see below. And of course, Todd's is the pac man pumpkin!=)

We decided to be resourceful with our pumpkins this year, so we saved the seeds and the flesh from the inside. Todd made some tasty pumpkin seeds and we boiled and blended the flesh for a completely homemade pumpkin pie! It was so fun, it may be a lot more work than just popping a can open, but it made us feel very self-reliant to be able to do it from scratch.

Also, we are probably the last people on earth to see this movie, but we LOVED it! It was SOOOO good! If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it! It was the perfect kinda spooky movie for a very halloweenish day!

1 comment:

Elaina said...

Fun times! And you are getting so cute big (and I mean that in the nicest cutest way! That's why I said "cute big") Someday I want to be cute big too. Congrats on the boy! How is your new house?