Thursday, October 9, 2008


As excited as we were about our trip to Hawaii, we were also kinda bummed to be leaving our new house. We were so antsy to get everything unpacked and taken care of, but after having gone, We're so glad we had a break in there to enjoy life and be reminded of what is really important.

It was SO beautiful and relaxing! You can't seem to get that same sense of serenity and peace anywhere else-we loved it!

Okay, there were some parts that weren't quite as relaxing as others, like the fact that the whole island of Kauai is covered with retarded roosters that can't figure out when to cock-a-doodle! They seriously started at 4am and they were right outside our door-argh! Needless to say, we didn't get the soundest sleep that week.

Our niece Ashlyn was so much fun to have around! She learned lots of new words on this trip, like rooster (or 'roostiff' in Ashlyn language) and cock-a-doodle-doo (do-do-do-a-do!) and most importantly, she FINALLY learned how to say my name! Yesss! Also, she doesn't just call me 'Jess', she calls me 'The Jess' which makes me feel pretty superior.

We saw tons of rad species of animal life

this bird is SUCH a rocker!!!

And I couldn't resist this photo-op of a lifetime!!!=)
It was so awesome to spend time with family enjoying the awesome beach, the delicious shave ice and seafood. And it was cool to spend tons of time with Todd before the little bundle of joy arrives! Good times!


The comstocks said...

great pictures, my favorite has to be the butt picture!:) i'm glad you guys had a good time, now time to unpack. yay!

Gdub said...

Dude. Todd should wear that hat ALWAYS!

Todd said...

@gdub: yeah man, it makes my chin huge and superhero-like!

Tyler and Katie said...

Jessica, your pictures are wonderful! I have such ambitions, but mine just never quite look that good. Tyler is definitely the photographer in our family, and that makes for very little space left on our hard drive. (And our portable hard drive too for that matter.) Hope you have lots of space.