Saturday, January 23, 2010

craft update

I have two weeks worth of crafting to report and I have actually done 2 crafts like I was supposed to!

For the first week I just made some gift tags for Christmas and birthday presents. No sewing involved (mostly because I have yet to figure out how to use the new machine!).

The second craft I did was little girl's hair bows. NO, we are not expecting! =) I was just thinking it would be fun to learn. One of my friends taught me and I made a bunch of them. So if you are one of my 2 friends that is expecting a baby girl you can plan on getting a handful of my hair bows! They got better the more practice I got, so some of them are better than others. It was a lot of fun, AND really cheap and easy!


The comstocks said...

Well I hope I am one of the two friends you are talking about because those are so cute!!

Jessica Lynn Perkins said...

You are!!! Yay! =)

Kerri Viehweg said...

Love the bows! We need to get together again and learn to make more. I think I am more likely to make them when I am with you guys!

radmegan said...

So Inspired! Love that you are doing this!!!