Monday, February 1, 2010

Look who's talking!

Our little Luke is becoming quite the linguist! He knows about 15 words right now. And by 'knows' I mean he will point to something and say the word without even being asked what it is. It's amazing considering a month ago he had ONE word in his repertoire. Some of them he is really good at saying and even strangers recognize, "hey- he just said 'shoe'!". Some of them can only be deciphered by mom or dad. Like 'Gah' (Dog...obviously, right?) or 'Poo poo' (Shampoo). I can't wait for the day when he is telling his friends that his mom pours poo all over his head every night! Waiting for the CPS visit on that one!

The other day Todd was playing Megaman and Luke pointed to the screen and said 'baby'. We all had a good laugh. It's so funny to see how kids interpret their world! But hey, if the definition of baby is someone who's head is disproportionately big for their body then he is spot on! Smart kid!

1 comment:

The Perkins Family said...

Cute!!! He's so big!! I love kid talk. And all kids have at least one embarrassing word. Mikey really liked the show "oobi," but he kept adding a "b" to the front of the word. I was mortified! Now I think it's funny though!