Monday, March 22, 2010

My first shirt refashion

I have known how to sew since I was really young, but I hated it. I hated following patterns so precisely only to get a bulky shirt that doesn't fit precisely AT ALL. So when I stumbled across the idea of refashions (taking something old and ugly [essentially] and making it new and cute) I was excited. Less work, and NO PATTERNS.

My first refashion was from a shirt I got for Todd. He didn't like it so I snagged it.
I laid a shirt on top of it (one that I like the fit of) and cut around it, leaving space for hemming and some extra because of the differences of stretchyness in the materials.

I kept the same sleeves, just cut them shorter.

Sewed it all together and added some pleats to the top...

This is my attempt at a self portrait...HORRIBLE! I'm supposed to be good at photography!

My inspiration came from this tutorial. It didn't come out perfect, but I am so excited that I finally tried it. That I got out my sewing machine and learned how to thread it. Be prepared for more in the near future!

1 comment:

Kori Pratt said...

That turned out so cute! What a great idea! :)