Sunday, October 10, 2010

Spooky words decor

Isn't being sick the worst!?! I hate it! The worst part is that when you are healthy you don't pay any attention to how great you feel. Then you get sick and you want to be healthy so bad, you imagine all the things you could accomplish in a day if you felt better, and you tell yourself you could be doing so much more with your time. Then you feel better and you forget all that you have learned and go back to being lazy! =)

Anyway, I was sick last week, so the Perkins's haven't had many adventures lately.

But here's a project that I did a couple weeks ago:

In case you haven't noticed, I don't have a creative bone in my body! I don't come up with good ideas, but I loooove to steal other peoples! I found the cutest craft over on this site, and made one of my own!

I love it! Every time I look at it I get reminded of all the reasons why I LOVE fall! It was really cheap, that piece of wood was .50 cents! Crazy! The lady who came up with the project sells the vinyl stickers pre cut on her blog if you want to make one for yourself!

1 comment:

radmegan said...

Love it! Great job and feel better pumpkin! Being sick IS the worst.