Wednesday, September 1, 2010

My Mom and Dad watched Luke while we were on our cruise in Alaska. I am so grateful to have them around. I know that they will take good care of him because they took perfect care of me!

Luke came home from the cruise and he would say "pillow game! pillow game!!!". I asked my parents "what the heck is 'pillow game'?" Apparently you just pile as many pillows as you have on top of him, and he gets the biggest kick out of it!

I know that my parents are awesome, but I am surprised how good they are with Luke! He has waaaaay more fun with them than he has with us (and we are a party to hang out with, alright?). I never grew up close to my Grandparents and I am so glad that Luke gets to!


radmegan said...

Awww! Pillow game! It only KIND of reminds me of

P.S. Luke is SUCH a cutie.

Jessica Lynn Perkins said...

Ha ha! Oh man, I think we found a new favorite site! My favorite is all the Star wars action figures lined up on the cat. You could ONLY do that to a CAT! So lazy! Ha ha!